Learning objectives

  1. Different types of microscopes
  2. Key parts of a brightfield optical microscope
  3. Good practices for brightfield optical microscopy
  4. Conditions for a quality microscopy exam
  5. Pitfalls of microscopic exams
  6. Basic maintenance of a brightfield optical microscope

Learning outcomes

  1. Microscopy exam on fresh samples
  2. Microscopy exam after May-Grunwald Giemsa (MGG) staining: differential leukocytes
  3. Reticulocytes count

Learning outcomes

  1. Cytological microscopic examination
    1.1 Quantitative cytological examination of frush simple
    1.2 Quantitative cytological examination after staining
  2. Bacteriological microscopic examination
    2.1 Bacteriopigical microscopic examination of frush sample
    2.2 Microscopy examination after staining